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De NV EnergieBedrijven Suriname voert projecten uit ter verbetering van de infrastructuur van het electriciteitsnetwerk en de dienstverlening naar de klanten toe. 

Overzicht van EBS projecten 


Financierder Projectnaam Projectdoel Looptijd Status
IDB SU-L1009 Support to Improve Sustainability of the Electricity Service To contribute to the sustainability of the power sector by Strengthening EBS’ operational procedures, corporate performance, and improve the sustainability of rural electricity supply.  2013 - 2020  Completed
IDB SU-L1039 Support for the Implementation of the EBS Investment Plan To contribute to the sustainability of the power sector in Suriname by: (i) strengthening EBS’s operational procedures and corporate performance; and (ii) upgrading critical infrastructure in the National Power System.  2015 –2021 Ongoing
FED/2015/362-010 Support to Improve Sustainability of the Electricity Service
To provide electricity based on Renewable Energy Technologies (RET) to rural communities in the hinterland. 2015 - 2022  Ongoing
CDB 2SFR-OR-SUR Power Project Suriname -Electricity System Upgrade and Expansion Improved reliability, increased capability and operational flexibility of EBS’ sub-transmission and distribution network on the EPAR and the ENIC power systems, in the delivery of quality power supply to customers in an efficient manner. Additionally, the Project will result in the utilisation by EBS of self-owned renewable energy (RE) plants for electricity production. 2017 - 2021 Ongoing
AFD CSR 1008 01E Detailed Feasibility study for the Integration of Moengo, Albina, and villages along the East-West Corridor into the Paramaribo electricity network To provide NV EBS with analyses and recommendations on the technical design that will support its decision-making with regard to implementation of the project. 2018 - 2020 Ongoing
CDB GA 8/SUR; Enhancing Access through Stakeholders Engagement GA 8 Strengthened capacity of EBS to implement and monitor gender- and culturally- responsive stakeholder engagement strategies, such that beneficiaries’ or communities’ are engaged throughout project implementation. 2018 - 2021 Ongoing
IDB SU-L1055 Consolidating a Sustainable Energy Sector To improve rural economic development, by ensuring adequate and modern access to sustainable electricity to enhance the living conditions for the rural population while improving the rural business environment with better provision of electricity as a public service. 2020 - 2025 Ongoing
Procurement Notices